Success - CCTV, alley gates & street lighting for Tunstall

Making our streets safer for every resident in every community was one of Jonathan's biggest priorities as the Member of Parliament for Stoke-on-Trent North, Kidsgrove & Talke. 

Following his campaign and petition to get more funding and help our local police crack down on crime and antisocial behaviour, Tunstall received over £200k from the Safer Streets Fund.

Having campaigned for additional CCTV, it is great news that fourteen brand new CCTV cameras are being rolled out across Tunstall to help stamp out crime in and around our town centre. This will be installed by September 2024.

He also asked for more gates to make our communities safer. This is being delivered with four pedestrian gates and mesh fencing are being installed in America Street, Knight Street and McKinley Street.

Seven new pedestrian gates are coming to Hawes Street, St Aidan’s Street, Parsonage Street, Summerbank Road and Bank Street. St Aidan’s Street has also had new fencing installed this month.

As part of these new and improved measures to help our police tackle crime in Tunstall, a 5-year Service Level Agreement is also being funded to cover their ongoing maintenance.

Additional environmental improvements will go hand-in-hand with the new CCTV and gates. Overgrown areas around McKinley Street are being cut back to improve visibility. The subways in the town centre are also going to get a full clean in 2024/25. 

Jonathan is delighted that residents’ concerns from my petition for Safer Streets funding were heard and residents are getting the measures needed for a crackdown on crime and antisocial behaviour in Tunstall.